The Forgotten Mourners

Tonia's Unplugged Life
4 min readJan 15, 2024

What is Forgotten Mourners

When someone dies in the family it hard on everyone. The parents, grandparents, wives, husbands, children. Death is not an easy thing to have to go through for anyone or any relation.

I cant imagine loosing a child they say you should never have to bury your child the pain must be unboreable, or a spouse, someone who I have spent my whole married life with, day after day, the one person you vowed to spend the rest of your life with. Loosing a parent at a young age, our parents are immortal, or that's what we thought growing up.

What I'm talking about in this article is loosing your sibling. The one person who you have known your whole life. the one person who you played with, joked with, the one person who you probably fought with like cats and dogs but it didn't matter because that's what siblings did.

When a sibling passes away in the family, it does not matter the age, the hardest hit and forgotten are the siblings that are left behind. After the loss most people will say oh it must be so hard for your mom or dad or if they are married oh his poor wife or husband. If they have children, people will say I feel so bad for the kids.

It is very rare that you will hear I cant imagine what their brother or sister is going through. Its almost as if the sibling is to be expected to…



Tonia's Unplugged Life

For The Love of Living a Happy Healthy Life. I’m a Reiki Master and Certified Yoga Teacher. Living Life to the fullest.