Grief What Are The Stages and How Do We Deal With Them

Tonia's Unplugged Life
4 min readJan 11, 2024

Grief is a thing we all go through at one time or another and how we deal with it is another thing. Grief is something none of us want to go through as it means that we have lost someone that we know. Grief can be debilitating for some and there is many different types of grief. Each one of us will grieve in many different ways. You should know that there is no right or wrong way to grieve.

I do palliative care and know how to help others grieve and help them in there time of need. But when you loose someone as close as I just did a month ago, all the schooling goes out the window. Nothing prepares you for loosing your brother. Your mother, father or anyone that your really close to. Even when the person is ill or when someone has a terminal illness. Just because you know its coming there really is no way to prepare you for how you will feel in your time on need.

There are 7 Stages of Grief.

Denial / pushing it away not really believing its happening or happened

Anger/ Being angry that someone is terminally ill or who has passed away



Tonia's Unplugged Life

For The Love of Living a Happy Healthy Life. I’m a Reiki Master and Certified Yoga Teacher. Living Life to the fullest.